Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Story of Anne Frank

Many extraordinary people live in days past. I was inspired to look up Anne Frank's bio after watching "The Book Thief" a few day ago. How we take our lives for granted living in such freedom. The days of Hitler's reign stole away so many lives. They lived in fear and isolation most of their secluded days.

Anne Frank was only 15 when she died. I guess I am drawn to her legacy because she was a writer.
She was born June 12, 1929.

Can you imagine hearing German Soldiers marching down the streets of your local city singing "When Jewish Blood splatters from the knife"? What if you had to hide your faith, your heritage? May we never witness the atrocities that some very brave people had to endure because they were trapped underneath a dictatorship.  I believe we would all do well to explore and learn about people before us who were never granted the chance to experience any freedom. Be thankful for what we have here in America. It could go away tomorrow.

Anne Frank's story is phenomenal and she wrote it all down.  Go to:

Thought for the day:  To handle yourself, use your head. To handle others, use your heart. Anger is only one letter short of danger. Eleanor Roosevelt

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